The Tournament Big Screen is dynamic dashboard showing the most improved players as the tournament progresses. This means that anyone could be the most improved by the end of the tournament, not just the usual suspects who always win the main event.
Below is a screenshot with explanation from the Kalgoorlie Open Tournament Big Screen.
It's a simple process to use the Tournament Big Screen and you don't need to do anything other than simply project the link up onto the big screen. All results are pulled across via the API every 30 minutes and the Tournament Big Screen refreshes itself every 10 minutes making for a dynamic, up-to-the-minute most improved ranking table in place.
We find it really drives engagement and has great feedback from players in the UK - the most improved winner from the Berkshire Squash Closed Championships said "having our SquashLevels live and updated as we progressed really added to the competitiveness of all the matches"
The TBS is run based on a single event or match type. In order to show the screen, you need to find the match type of the event as follows:
- Wait for the first match to come over to SquashLevels. An event will likely be run using a new match type such as Finals Masters 2023 and we need a result for that event on the system to auto-create the match type and that's the ID we're looking for.
Find the match. Best bet is to search for one of the players and it will be at the top of their profile. Here's an example.
- In this case the match type is "Finals Masters 2023". Click on this to find the rankings for all the players in the event and then scroll to the bottom to find the Tournament Screen button:
Click on this and you will go straight to the screen that you can show during the event. That's it!
- Move the screen so it's being shown on the main display and then use F11 to go 'full screen' which will hide the address bar etc., for a better display. You can always press F11 again to return to normal.
- Run the 'most improved' event in parallel with the main event. Award prizes for the top three if you can. As anyone can win this event it really does generate a lot of interest and engagement.
- Advertise that the QR code on the screen will allow players to view their own position in the most improved listings. They may not appear on the main screen so it's really interesting for them to see where they are - without too much publicity if it's not going well for them this time...
- Keep an eye out for duplicate players. There may be players who have playing histories from other systems and they are new to this one. If you see duplicate players then please request a merge and they will be merged within 24 hours.