You've got another profile
New results for you from another source system might end up creating a new profile for you if the system can't map them to your existing profile. If you've just changed club or entered a tournament and you can't find your results perhaps have a look for another player with your name and your results! It may well be you. Just request a merge and we can put your history back together again.
Source system not connected
Many systems on which competitive results are recorded (boxes, leagues, tournaments) have upload connections to SquashLevels and, in most cases, your results should be sent across automatically every night but there are still a few systems that don't have a connection. The first thing to check is if the system has upload to SquashLevels and you can find that out by asking the event organiser - they should know. If not, do please ask the organiser to ask the appropriate system provider to connect up and we will do our best to make it easy.
Result missed
Another possibility is the results have been missed by the source system if, say, they are old results being back-filled/updated. Most systems will send old/updated results through but not all. In this case, please get in touch and we'll have a look. We can always pull historic results using special feeds on request.
Invalid results
Results need to be valid for them to be accepted. Common reasons why a result might be considered invalid are:
- Missing or invalid player IDs from the source system
- Invalid names - e.g. John is too short
- Invalid match types. A match type would be something like Avon Winter 2023. The following words in the match type will cause a result to be skipped:
- Handicap - we can't accept handicap results as everyone will look like they are the same level!
- Racketball - some systems send us racketball results
- Squash57