STOP! Please read about your GDPR responsibilities here before entering any results!
As a normal user, you can't enter the results for other players but, if you're willing and able to enter the results for a whole tournament then we can make you an admin for a while and that will allow you to enter them.
First of all tell us when the tournament is and who is entering. That will let us know the scope of the players to be selected - could be club, county, organisation or whatever. We will then set your admin to the right level to match that scope.
Once you are an admin, you can enter your results using the normal result entry page except you will find you now have a couple more fields to fill in.
- Match type. Match type is the descriptive name for your matches. A typical example is 'Millbrock Club Open 2022'. If you've used that match type before then you'll find it in the pull-down match type selection but, if not, then you can add it to the system using the adjacent field.
- Player selection. Now you can select any player within the scope of your admin level. Be careful to select the right player as there are many players on the system with the same name. If you're not sure it might be best to add them new so you don't end up assigning matches to someone who didn't play in your tournament! For instance if your players are from your club we can set your admin appropriately so you can only select players from your club.
- If you want to add a new player then just enter their name and they will be added.
- Date and time. These aren't new fields but because you are entering for multiple players you do need to use these fields to get the order of the matches right. Date is fairly clear but you need to get the time somewhere near right as well so at least the morning matches end up before the afternoon matches!
Here's an example:
Once you've added your first result you can then add another one (with an extra button!) and that will go back round again and pre-populate the repeated fields - match type, date and time. This makes it much easier to enter a lot of results.
It only takes about 30s to enter a result and it's much easier if you enter them as you go. That will then allow your players to see what's happened to their level throughout the event and that adds quite a lot of extra interest.
If you're doing that then you might also be interested in our 'Most improved' tournament screen intended for use on a big screen on the wall visible to everyone at the event. This shows the current most improved player over the course of the event (as a leaderboard) and also the best result. This is a great addition to the event as anyone can win it - not the usual suspects. If you're interested in this, do please get in touch.
Tournament Big Screen
If you enter the results as you go along, then you can make use of our 'Tournament Big Screen' which gives you a most improved competition running alongside your main event which is good fun and the usual suspects don't normally win that one.
Please have a look at our FAQ for Running the Tournament Big Screen (TBS) for more details.