The system takes everything it needs from the results that come in and if you have changed your name (say you got married or maybe just wanted a new name) and your new name is now being used in your new results then you'll probably find you have a new player profile and your account is still pointing to your old one. This is normal and can be corrected!
The first thing to check is that the name you want to use going forward is being used by the system sending your current results. If not, please ask them to get that sorted first or future results will come in with the wrong name.
With that sorted, you can go back into your old profile and change your old name to your new one. You can do this because this is the profile linked to your account. It's a good idea to check the 'lock' box to make sure it doesn't get overwritten in case your name is still not spelled exactly right.
Now look at your old profile again and you should see your new profile offered as a duplicate. It's based on name and level so it should find you. Simply send us a 'yes' to indicate this is a duplicate and we will set your two profiles to merge at the end of the night - just before the nightly processing.
The reason you end up with a new profile, even if the system sending the results over is reusing your ID is because we have to check that IDs are not being re-used by different players and a significant name change is what we're checking for. Changing your surname is a big enough change to trigger this. Correcting your spelling usually isn't.