We have a rule that says; either enter all the results for an event or none of them. This is because, if we enter the results for just one player, that player's opponents are all going to have one match each from the whole event and that will confuse them! This causes them to ask for their own results to be added and so on until we have to enter the whole event just to not be bombarded by queries!
If you want to enter a whole event then we will support you. We can make you an admin for a period of time that will give you the access you need to enter results for other players against a match type that you can also add. Examples of match type would be "Surrey Closed 2021" or "Springfield Junior Open 2022" for instance. They are effectively the name of your event and that appears at the top of the match result block.
Once you have your admin access, just use the "Result" link as usual to add a result but now you will see more options:
If the match type is one that you've used before or is already on the system then use the pull-down selection on the left (left red cross). This is quite a long list these days but have a look and see if it's there. If it is then you can select it, if not then add new using the field on the right.
Once you've selected or entered the match type then set the date (and time if you can - this is for order, mainly), select the players and enter the result. If the player is new, just type their name in. Please don't select a different player with the same name!
When you add the result (there's an ADD button at the bottom) it will show you the match result page with the newly calculated levels and give you a button add the bottom of the page to enter another one which will be pre-populated with the match type and date of the previous one to save you a bit of typing.
It's easiest if you enter the results as you go along as it spreads the load, the time looks after itself *and* it means you can use the most improved tournament screen as you go. Here's an example for the current US Open. It's like a second, parallel event that usually rewards the lesser players for their improvement throughout the event. The usual suspects (who always win the event) don't usually win this one!