As an admin, there are several ways to actively find duplicate players.
- Players with the same name and similar level are offered as duplicates at the top of a player's history page. Just select 'Yes' and register the request as any other user would.
- When entering the name of a player in the 'Search player' box of any of the rankings pages you will be offered a list of player names that match the name snippets entered. E.g. k r n smith will identify all of Keiran, Kieren, Karan etc. If there are 5 or less matching players offered, you will have a red link to click that enters a merge request for all the players listed. Very useful for requesting merges when their names are misspelled.
- Look for similar names in similar positions in the rankings. They could well be from the same club but appear to be playing in a different county. That's quite common!
- County admins - Use the Admin->Find duplicate players page. This page checks every player in the system against every player in your county and offers a link to merge them. This link will not be available if the players appear to have played for different clubs on the same date - as that suggests they are different players. The link can be revealed if you are certain.
- If you know of a duplicate player but his/her name is mispelled then you can edit that player's name and then return to the player's history page and the duplicate should be offered at the top of the page. You can request a merge from there.
- Once a merge has been requested, it will appear listed on the Admin->Show user merge requests page. This page offers links to merge these players and also to analyse the combined player's histories to help verify if they are duplicates or not.