General, system-wide FAQs
- What is in my Feed?
- What is a Community?
- My name, club or other details are wrong. How do I change them?
- I was injured in my match. How do I stop this affecting my Level?
- How do I reset my password?
- I appear twice (or more) on the system
Results feed, import and input
- Our federation results onboarding process
- Why am I missing results from MyCourts boxes?
- Can I add my results from a tournament?
- How do I record a walkover (W/O) in my SquashLevels box league?
- How do I delete a match?
- Why can't I add my own box results?
Levels algorithm
- What are Levels?
- How are Levels calculated?
- How do Levels compare with tournament rankings?
- Why do I have a (P) against my Level?
- The Level on my rankings page is 'extra damped'. What does that mean?
- What is the four match moving average?
- What are we trying to achieve?
- What is callibration?
- Automation and Stability
- How does it work?
- What changes were made over the summer?
- How will it have affected my Level?